No matter how detailed the set or impressive the animatronic, the actor remains the heart of the haunt. We are passionate about training actors to rise to the level of performance that sets a show apart from the others. Our actor training is meant to inspire performers of any age and skill level to learn the specialized art of haunt acting, enduring the busiest of show nights and knowing how to quickly read your audience so you choose the right performance, lines and actions. Haunt acting is one of the toughest forms of performing there is. Let us help unify your actors and create a performance company that returns night after night, year after year.
Haunts have evolved and so have their patrons. Backstories, icon characters and a cohesive storyline have now become one of the most important parts of a show. We can help you create the base of your haunt which will create a unified production.
Haunt management is one of the bigger challenges of any show. Is your staff working together as a harmonious unit? Are you struggling with recruiting, marketing or direction? The time to tighten those up is early pre-season so you have your team on the same page and the show ready to launch.
Using your gear on site at your show, we can show you how to enhance your skills and manage what is easily one of the busiest spots in any haunt: the make up room. It is where the tone and mood of your show is decided every night. AND it doesn't have to be chaos! Learn speed skills, equipment troubleshooting, make up room organization and more.
Bring the show stopping skill of stiltwalking to your haunted attraction! We provide professional stilt training on site, showing your actors how to move safely and perform.
We have expanded our training team to reach more haunted attractions during the busiest time of the pre-season. All working off the proven Stiltbeast curriculum and ready to customize your training experience to reach your goals.
No matter the size of your attraction or performing company, we are ready to bring out the best in your actors! Contact us with your questions, challenges and goals. Our training teams are ready to help you.